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  • Writer's pictureRebekah Christie

Making The Most of Virgo Season


Why are Virgos so

Leo season is out and it is time for the Virgo’s to shine. Virgo season brings out the perfectionist in all of us, so between August 23 to September 22, be prepared to get your life in order. Since Virgo’s are natural perfectionists and one of the hardest workers of the zodiac signs, expect to be feeling very over critical, observant to details and focused in all areas of our lives. Use this Virgo season energy to tie up loose ends and working towards the better version of yourself. So what exactly can Virgo season help us with?

Setting Goals and Putting Them Into Action

It makes sense that Virgo season starts at the beginning of the school year. Now is the perfect time to set goals concerning your future, and make plans on how to achieve those goals. What are your ambitions in life? What do you want to achieve and how are you going to make it happen?

Cleaning Up Your Environments

Grab that Florida water and sage, and while your at it, the broom and mop! It’s time to clean your environments. If your room has been messy or your desk needs to be decluttered, now is the perfect time to do it. Get rid of the things that don’t serve you and cleanse yourself of any toxicity that could be holding you back.

Taking Care of Your Health and Wellbeing

If you have been putting off your health for a while, now is the time to start making doctors appointments and fixing bad eating habits. Virgo rules the areas of habits, health and hygiene, so it would be no surprise that you may be finding yourself starting a new diet, going to the gym more, and even taking care of your mental health.

Shadow Work

As I mentioned before, Virgo’s are the perfectionists of the zodiac, which often leads them to be very self critical of themselves. This Virgo season, you may be called to look deep within, at vulnerabilities, realizing your flaws and working on them, and simply reflecting all areas of your life. The goal is to re-evaluate what’s working and what’s not, so you can identify the problems and fix them as they come up.

Beginning New Habits And Routines

Maybe you might start doing that face routine you've been putting off, or with school starting (and even if you aren’t going to school) fixing that sleep schedule that's messed up. Whatever the new routine or habit is, I’m positive that it will help you in your everyday life, and use the Virgo energy to perfect it! Even with your regular day to day tasks, you will find yourself perfecting them and completing them with ease.

Seeking Employment

Some of you might even be called to fix up that resume and employment information, as you look for employment or even a promotion. Now is the time to do so with this Virgo energy! Have some confidence and start applying to jobs!

Working On Finances

Whether you set up a meeting with a financial advisor or start managing your money better, now is the time to get your finances in order. Start  a savings plan, practice some self control with your money, or start investing into your future!

Helping Others

There is always going to be someone in life who needs a helping hand, and if you can offer it, why not? Offer your services to someone in your life who needs help improving their own life in this Virgo season whether it be helping them set goals, helping them with a move or coming together to start a new routine so the both of you can do better in life.

Essentially, Virgo season is the time to get your sh*t together, as it calls you to be more organized mentally, physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Use this Virgo energy to manifest your dreams, set smart goals, be ambitious and get your home, work and personal matters in order. With that said, Happy Solar Returns to all the Virgo’s reading this, and Happy Virgo Season!

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