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  • Writer's pictureRebekah Christie

New Year, New Cleanse

I think this is the first year that I didn’t hear anyone say or excessively post New Year, New Me. Sure, 2020 might have us a little traumatized. We did make it into a new year though, and for that we should be grateful to the universe for allowing us to make it this far. Coming into this new year though, did you stop and think that even though the date might change, there are things and energies that still cling to us? I think it was fitting that the first topic of the new year be about cleansing; why you should do it and why it is so important.

First and foremost, what is cleansing?

The best way that I can describe cleansing is removing impurities, negativities, detoxing and decluttering, whether it be you, the people in your life, your personal spaces, etc. With that said, when was the last time you cleansed? When was the last time you removed the negative energies from yourself and from your home? When was the last time you detached from the people who no longer served you? Can you pinpoint the last time you did something like that? Which brings me back to my main point, everyone is going to be looking forward to the new year, and a fresh start to new adventures, but riddle me this, how are you made anew, if you're still carrying the old?

You may be pondering just how exactly you picked up on negative energy. People, places, things, all have energy. Everyday, we are participating in energy exchanges. On a daily basis, we interact with so many different people, whether it be at work, home or school, and everyone has their own energy, and sometimes it isn’t good. Or it could be that pen you borrowed from someone who is harbouring negative energy. Or the last person you had sex with gave you a spiritually transmitted disease. The fast food you eat, going to the club, certain products you use on your body, you have no idea where you can pick up these negative energies. And all of a sudden, you feel tired, or stagnant, or you feel like you have bad luck, and things aren’t going your way, and you're depressed and confused as to why you feel like that or why certain things are happening. So what do we do to fix this? We cleanse.

It’s one thing for me to tell you what cleansing is. But are you actually going to go out and do it? Is it going to be a once a year thing or a daily occurrence? Are you actually willing to take the time to rid your body and your mind and your personal spaces of the pollution that’s built up there? Just think about it this way; the same way you have to clean your home to ensure there isn’t dust building up and whatnot, the same way you must cleanse yourself. First and foremost, you need to decide exactly what you are going to start with cleansing. Personally, I start by cleaning my apartment, and then cleanse the spaces by mopping with Florida water and purifying with sage or palo santo. For cleansing myself, I pick meditation music from Youtube and draw myself a nice hot spiritual bath or shower. However, cleansing doesn’t stop there. Sometimes our clothes are harbouring old energies that need to be released, along with divination tools. Sometimes it’s the people that we allow into our lives, into our homes that are sucking us of our energy. As the new year approaches, start choosing the things, people and places that need cleansing and hop to it.

So how exactly do you cleanse? There are many different ways, so make sure you do your research and apply what works best for you and your home. The most popular method that everyone is used to hearing about is smudging, however there are more methods that you can incorporate into your life.

The first way I cleanse is pretty simple. I use water. Whether you bathe, shower, wash an object or let something soak are all ways to remove impurities. Using certain crystals or charged water (i.e rain or moon water) can help with purification. Be careful though if you are using water to cleanse certain objects as they don’t mix well with water, as some crystals, herbs and stones can actually be damaged when in contact with water so make sure you're doing your research.

The next is called recaning, or smoke cleansing, is another popular and simple method. Most people use sage, but cedar, palo santo, incense and other herbs can also be used.

The last most simple yet effective way you can try is sound cleansing. Overpower your mind and spaces by using basically anything that makes noise, as the frequency is what is changing the vibes. Use your voice to sing happy, uplifting songs, or try more older, cultural ways such as Tibetan bells and singing bowls.

However you choose to cleanse, know that there is a multitude of options to choose from, just find what works for you. Comment below if you have cleansed before and how you feel after. Any questions feel free to ask! With that said, I hope everyone reading this has a prosperous and abundant new year!

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