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  • Writer's pictureRebekah Christie

Things To Do/Have on Your Spiritual Journey

It can be really hard to start embracing your spiritual journey. And it will be different for everyone, no doubt. However, it doesn’t have to be complicated! There are always things in life to have easier outcomes, and that is why I am presenting key things to have or start adding into your daily routine to make your spiritual journey less of a hassle. There is definitely way more things and routines you can incorporate in your spiritual journey but these are to name a few. Not everything below is going to resonate with you, and that’s ok! Pick the things that you feel most drawn to and incorporate it into your daily life!

Journal/Book of Shadows

As a writer, I personally think everyone should have a journal or a diary. Write down thoughts, feelings, progress, messages from your guides/angels, etc,. I even think you should have several journals, all for different things, to keep organized. A book of shadows is a great place to keep all of your magical knowledge such as spells, rituals, recipes, etc. Now a days, it’s easier to get creative with your book of shadows. Some people prefer to keep a binder, or even type it out to make it easier to keep organized. Again, whatever works best for you!

Candles & Incense

May it be noted that you should never leave a candle unattended, like I did, because fire is no joke and will try to burn your house down. I’ve learnt my lesson after candle magic gone wrong. Candles and incense are vital to your spiritual journey. First of all, who doesn’t like the warm scents that come from the little jars of burning wax? Different candle colors have different meanings, for instance, white candles are seen as purifying and cleansing. Be Careful though, once you start buying them it gets addicting. The same with incense sticks and cones, they make a great addition to the home and have different ones for different purposes. One of my personal favourites is the sage incense, because it’s easier to light one of those instead of a whole bundle of sage. 

Salt Lamp

Not only does it make a great night light, but it has a long list of advantages. It increases blood flow, improves sleeping results, reduces stress and increases energy levels just to name a few. Do your research to see what works best for you, and have fun incorporating it in home! 


Ah crystals. When I first started my spiritual journey, crystals were my go to for everything. I would put rose quartz under my pillow for self love, wear carnelian for creativity, and black obsidian for protection. I strongly recommend investing in crystals, even if you just have them lying around the house. There are so many different ones that all have different uses, and can be used for a variety of things, even if it’s just to have more patience for your day ahead.  

Tarot/Oracle Cards

I remember buying my first deck on Amazon, and now I have over twenty five decks of tarot and oracle cards combined. One of the most common divination tools, I like to use my cards to find insight on a variety of things for myself, like how is my week going to go or what should I be focusing on today. Find a deck that you resonate with, whether it be tarot or oracle, and bond with it, as those cards really do help with everyday life matters.


Sage, my favourite go to when the vibes feel off with me, or the people around me, or even I’m just the spaces I’m in. Nowadays it’s so easy to get a hold of, I think I bought my first bundle from Amazon, now I just get it from one of the local metaphysical shops close to me. It can be used for a variety of uses, but the most common use is for smudging and cleansing. There are different types of sage so make sure you find one that you work best with.  


Altars are so important, and there are so many different kinds. I have an altar to honor family and friends that have passed, but you can make altars to honor the deities/gods you worship, self love altars for yourself, the list goes on, feel free to get creative with it. Your altar is a sacred spiritual space designed by you, for you and your intentions. Have fun with it!


So important for your spiritual journey. Take the time to calm your mind and thoughts, and be one with the universe but more importantly be in tune with yourself. There are so many healthy effects for your mind, body and spirit, so try to incorporate it into your everyday routine and schedule. I personally suck at meditating but listening to meditation music, and guided meditations help a lot too. Do your research and see the best methods that work for you.

This is only some of the tools that I started on my spiritual journey, there are so much more! Hopefully this gives you some insight if you are stuck and need somewhere to start. Any questions feel free to leave a comment!

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