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  • Writer's pictureRebekah Christie

Talking About Spirituality

What made me create a blog/vlog called Melanated Goddess?

Last year around this time, I am not going to lie, my life was a mess. I think that’s the simplest way to put it. I was physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically and of course, spiritually a walking disaster. It felt like I had no one to turn to. And by some miracle, I kept pushing. I pushed long enough to start discovering witch groups on Facebook. I was drawn to them for some inexplicable reason, but nevertheless, I found my way to them. And in these groups, I started to learn about African spirituality and divination tools and about honoring the ancestors. I was shedding my restricted views of religion and opening up to a much bigger world. A world where I was happier in. 

When people look at spirituality, some people are only doing it because it’s a trend or it’s what everyone else is doing. Which breaks my heart because spirituality is so much more than doing yoga and becoming vegan. Spirituality isn’t a joke, far from it. And for those who are living in their truth when coming to spirituality, will know that isn’t all light, rainbows and unicorns like capitalism paints it to be.

Back in late October/beginning of November, I finally declared it to myself, and perhaps my roommate if she was actually listening, that I was going to become a witch. Do I go around hexing people? No. Do I know people who do? Hell yes. Do I wear long black robes and wear a pointy hat? Absolutely not, and no, I don’t know anyone who does. People get scared when I identify as a witch. My family also gets scared when I say I don’t identify as Christian anymore. I had never been too fond of going to church anyways, so I really don’t know why they were surprised. “Oh, so you don’t believe in God?” is a popular question from a lot of people in my life. A have a cross tattooed on my wrist, for crying out loud. Yes, I believe in God, I just don’t believe in Christianity. There is, contrary to the belief of many, a difference. And God forbid I pull out my tarot/oracle decks. People think I'm communicating with the devil himself. Some of the same people who put down tarot readings ended up coming to me and my cards for advice. And as the Christians like to point out Bible verses, I find that Psalms 118: 22 is very fitting in situations like those. 

Ever since I decided to embark on this spiritual journey, I feel like I’ve been a better person. I feel like my life has somewhat, gotten into order. Everything is a work in progress, right? And that’s what I think spirituality should be about. It should be about realizing that you are on a journey to becoming your better self and on this path to being a better person, the people, things and places around you start to improve. There isn’t always going to be a happy days. There are days when I still feel like I’m losing my mind and I’m going to have a mental breakdown. There are weeks where I’m still depressed. There are days when I cuss at my guardian angels and spirit guides, however, I try to outnumber those bad days by remembering the good. I focus on the main reason I started on this journey in the first place. I remember that I have a purpose and my guardian angels and spirit guides are there to help me as long as I am open and ready to receive their love and guidance. Life is hard enough we don’t have to make it harder.

Which is why I started to blog/vlog about my spiritual experience. I’m hoping that for those who are interested in following down this path of spirituality will realize that there are so many options and so many ways that you can step into your power. If you are interested in following me on my journey, and to also gain knowledge on this journey through my experiences, feel free to subscribe.  The universe has lots more to teach us if we are willing to listen.

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